
Gethsemane - Original by Jechoon Choi

This drawing depicts Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Rather than portray the suffering he endured, I wanted to express his unwavering love for us. The blood He shed for us was replaced by red flowers.

"Time after time, He retreated from society to be alone before piercing heaven with His prayers. At other times, He prayed in the company of a few companions. Then He would seek heaven on behalf of multitudes who would cover a hillside. Sometimes prayer glorified His clothing. Sometimes it glorified His countenance. Sometimes He stood to pray, sometimes He knelt, and at least once He fell on His face in prayer.

Luke describes Jesus’s descent into His expiation as requiring Him to pray “more earnestly.” How does one who was perfect pray more earnestly? We assume that all of His prayers were earnest, yet in fulfilling His atoning sacrifice and through the pain that attended its universal reach, He felt to pray ever more pleadingly, with the weight of His offering finally bringing blood from every pore."

Motions of a Hidden Fire, by President Jeffrey R. Holland, April 2024 General conference


Joyful - Jesus Offers A Warm Smile