Jechoon Choi Jechoon Choi


This drawing depicts Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Rather than portray the suffering he endured, I wanted to express his unwavering love for us. The blood He shed for us was replaced by red flowers.

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Joyful - Jesus Offers A Warm Smile
Jechoon Choi Jechoon Choi

Joyful - Jesus Offers A Warm Smile

“And when Jesus had spoken these words he came again unto his disciples; and behold they did pray steadfastly, without ceasing, unto him; and he did smile upon them again” (3 Nephi 19:30)

“Wherefore Enoch saw that Noah built an ark; and that the Lord smiled upon it, and held it in his own hand; but upon the residue of the wicked the floods came and swallowed them up” (Moses 7:43)

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I Will Deliver You
Jechoon Choi Jechoon Choi

I Will Deliver You

This picture is for those struggling with life's burdens. May Jesus, our savior, provide comfort and guide you through any hardship.

"Jesus Christ’s Atonement can deliver and redeem us from sin. But Jesus Christ also intimately understands our every pain, affliction, sickness, sorrow, separation. In time and eternity, His triumph over death and hell can make all things right. He helps heal the broken and disparaged, reconcile the angry and divided, comfort the lonely and isolated, encourage the uncertain and imperfect, and bring forth miracles possible only with God."

By Elder Gerrit W. Gong, "All Things for Our Good", April 2024 general conference

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